Cognitive-behavioural therapy is an effective treatment of many mental disorders. It can be used by people diagnosed with a clinical disorder, but also by anyone experiencing mental difficulties and life problems.
If you are experiencing symptoms and problems such as:
prolonged depressed or elevated mood, mood swings, decreased activity and lack of motivation to take any action;
anxiety in specific situations, phobia, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, worry;
obsessions (intrusive thoughts) and compulsions;
difficulties in eating, problems with accepting your appearance or body weight;
chronic stress and distressing symptoms after a traumatic event;
insomnia and other sleep problems;
pain that is not organic- (disease) based;
problems resulting from living with a chronic somatic disease;
psychotic disorders;
problems in relationships with people;
low self-esteem;
problems with making decisions;
prolonged mourning, psychological difficulties after the loss;
self-harm, dysfunctional strategies of coping with strong emotions, risky behaviour;
it is worth considering psychotherapy. Sometimes it may be difficult to explain what our problem is. In such situations, a psychotherapist will diagnose the problems during the consultation.
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